Confused on which Medicare Plan is best for you? Stop in to King’s and let us help narrow down the right plans for you! With our new iMedicare program we take the hassle out of using Medicare’s website. No appointment necessary for this FREE service that could save you THOUSANDS!!! In less than 5 minutes (sometimes less) our iMedicare program can pave the way to savings. Is 5 minutes of your time worth hundreds or thousands in savings?

Even if you are happy with your current Medicare Part D prescription drug plan, we still may be able to help you save money or recommend generic therapeutic alternatives. Drug plans and your therapy may change day to day, so what was a good plan this year, may not be the preferred plan for you next year.

Many plans will also try to steer you into using mail order with the allure of cost savings. What they don’t tell you is that your medications will be shipped regardless of whether or not you need that drug, leading to extra copays and medication waste. If you have questions about your medications you will also have to call the insurance company and waste countless hours on the phone trying to reach a pharmacist that you are just a number to. Here at King’s you are much more important than just a number and we value our relationship with you!

Open enrollment ends December 7th so please don’t delay!
